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Meet The Team

The Wizard

The Wizard

The man with a vision. Enjoying a life off-grid, the Wizard commands the team as the man behind the curtain. In his wisdom, the Wizard brought together a team of unrelated individuals to push forth towards a common goal. With different strengths and specialities, the team gets its purpose and direction from the guidance and counsel of the Wizard.

The Bubbles

The Bubbles

Promoter and advocate. With powerful energy and enthusiastic spirit, The Bubbles launches into social media to bring our message to the masses. With uplifting content and positive vibes, she brings the feminine touch to our public outreach. Garnering massive support and raving fans, our campaigns succeed because of the efforts of the Bubbles.

The Groove

The Groove

Social media analyst. The Groove anticipates the hottest trends and ensures our campaigns go viral. Trends can operate like tsunamis and you’ll be caught on the wrong side without advance warning. With powerful social analytic skills, The Groove provides that advanced warning and makes sure we are the tsunami.

The Closer

The Closer

Sales and capital acquisition. Like a special forces operator, The Closer breaks down even the toughest defenses of potential investors and capital holders. Just because investing is usually the best decision, it’s not always an easy one. With a trained eye and expert trigger finger, the Closer cuts down any obstacles preventing people from bettering their lives.

The Geek

The Geek

Opportunity finder and technical analyst. Like a trained hunting dog, The Geek tracks down the newest, the hottest, the shiniest opportunities for the team. His senses are honed like a laser guided missile, delving into the world of crypto and trading, bringing the Next Big Deal to our attention. The Geek is our eyes and ears into the world of opportunities.

The Mason

The Mason

Graphic design and business consultant. The Mason chisels out graphics and business processes from a vision like Michelangelo carved noble heroes from raw stone. His keen eye and trained hand create beauty and order where before there was nothing. No design or business challenge is too colossal for the masterful movements of The Mason.

The Captain

The Captain

Copywriter and wordsmith. The Captain remains behind the scenes crafting persuasive and powerful prose. Like a worker bee, he gathers pollen from the best sales and marketing experts and transforms it into the sweet honey of copy. Using words that sell, the Captain can sculpt a few words into a long-standing asset that sells for years to come

The Architect

The Architect

Social media marketer and graphic art. When building doesn’t go as planned, The Architect is our go-to man. His extensive background in visual design and audio work has been used by large companies in successful marketing campaigns. He designs, he plans, he builds, he guides, and nothing escapes his master’s eyes. For that expert marketing campaign thrust, in The Architect we trust.

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